Friday, January 29, 2016

Sometimes you're asked on a Wednesday to head to Italy on a Saturday (really, I'm not even sure how this happened). And so, the chunk of my January was spent in a beautiful country, filled with history, art, and delicious food.

Technically speaking, I helped lead thirty-six first-year honors students, but that feels difficult to claim considering the lightness and easiness of the trip. The students were a dream, inquisitive and curious about learning, sensitive and caring of one another, and hilarious. The other leaders are fantastic people, similar to the students, great conversationalists, lively, and inspiring.

I'm not really sure where to begin reflecting -- the sites and experiences in themselves hold their own meaning, the many conversations saturated with deep questions about life and God, and my own personal growth working with undergraduate students in a different intensity than my present work. Joy, awe, and peace intertwined throughout the journey. I've received a renewed sense of wonder and appreciation for not only the works of man but our creator God who inspired them.

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